50+ Men’s Support Group

Our 50+ men’s support group provides a safe and understanding environment where gay and queer men can share their life experiences openly and authentically. It's a place where individuals connect over common challenge, discussing topics such as relationships, identity, health, and navigating societal norms as queer men. Conversations in the group seek to be genuine and insightful, reflecting a collective wisdom accumulated over decades. Laughter and camaraderie are central to the group dynamic, helping to build a sense of community and mutual support among peers who understand each other's journeys.

Some topics include:

  • Navigating relationships

  • Managing loneliness and building community

  • Health and body image

  • Sex and intimacy

Current Groups:

What’s Included

Initial Consult

Set up a 20-minute call with us to get started.

Two Assessment Sessions

Meet with the group facilitator for two 50-minute individual intake appointments for $200 total (a $500 value).

Group Sessions

Groups are $85/session, all paid at the beginning of the month. Some sliding scale spots are available based on financial need.

Get started with us, today.